Minor Empire is a subject of Master’s Thesis / Minor Empire bir yuksek lisans tezinin konusu oldu

Minor Empire bir yuksek lisans tezinin konusu oldu. 

Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Guzel Sanatlar Enstitusu Muzik Bilimleri Anabilim Dali’nda yuksek lisan ogrencisi olan Cemrenur Unsur, “DÜŞÜNÜMSEL MODERNİTE BAĞLAMINDA KİMLİK İNŞASI: “MINOR EMPIRE” ÖRNEĞİ” baslikli yuksek lisans calismasina Minor Empire’in muzik ve hayat filozofisine genis yer vererek, tezinde yaptigi muzikal ve sosyal incelemeye ornek olarak Minor Empire’i kullandi.

Cemrenur, muziklerimizi yaparken cokca uzerinde durup konustugumuz “Coexistence” (bir arada var olma), Identity vs. Essence (kimlik’e karsi öz), Genuinity (hakikilik), Authenticity (aslına uygunluk) gibi bircok kavrami irdelemis; bu kavramlarin muzigimize nasil yansidigini incelemis ve calismalarimizdan ornekler vermis. 


Minor Empire is the subject of a Master’s Thesis by Cemrenur Unsur at the Musicology Department of Dokuz Eylul University in Turkey.

Her thesis, titled “Identity Construction in the Context of Reflexive Modernity: Example of ‘Minor Empire’”, talks about our approach to music, the philosophies we try to integrate in our music such as co-existence, our exploration of  identity vs. essence, authenticity, genuinity, as well as the subjects we take issues with such as function and categorization of foreign language music in an English-speaking country and orientalism.